Digitising Patterns of Power Newsletter
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Egg Tree Digitising Patterns of Power
Newsletter No.1 / April 2018

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,

The project "Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP)" has entered its fourth and final year with several remarkable highlights. The first volume within the series "Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage" (and at the same time Festschrift for Professor Dr. Johannes Koder) has been published and successfully promoted in Vienna. Moreover, a cooperation has been established with the new digital project entitled "The Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB) as Contribution to the World’s Cultural Heritage" (PI: Mihailo Popović), which was approved by the Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank (No. 17771) at the end of the year 2017 and is at the same time a sub-project of the Long-Term-Project Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Srdjan Pirivatrić (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Institute for Byzantine Studies, Belgrade) joined the DPP team as Visiting Scholar of DPP from 25 January 2018 to 26 February 2018 at the Institute for Medieval Research (Division of Byzantine Research) in Vienna. We are very much looking forward to the International Medieval Congress (IMC) in Leeds 2018, where we will present our scholarly results in three consecutive sessions.
In the autumn of 2018 our concluding DPP conference will take place in Vienna. Therefore, we are also preparing an edited volume with scholarly contributions of our DPP team as well as international scholars.

We wish you Happy Easter!

Yours sincerely,
the DPP team

A Visiting Scholar from Serbia

Marano at the DPP Lectures
In the beginning of the year 2018 the DPP team was joined by Mr. Dr. Srdjan Pirivatrić (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Institute for Byzantine Studies, Belgrade). He stayed as Visiting Scholar of DPP from 25 January 2018 to 26 February 2018 at the Institute for Medieval Research (Division of Byzantine Research) in Vienna. His scholarly expertise includes inter alia Byzantine, Serbian and Bulgarian History, Classics , Byzantine Historiography and Rhetoric and Mount Athos Studies. During his stay Dr. Pirivatrić worked closely together with Bernhard Koschicek, BSc BA, Dr. Vratislav Zervan and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović on the DPP case study "The Historical Region of Macedonia (12th-14th cent.) – The Transformation of a Medieval Landscape" as well as on distinct aspects of the FWF Austrian Science Fund Project P 30384-G28 "Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282-1355)", especially on the history of the medieval town of Skopje at the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th centuries. We are very grateful to Dr. Pirivatrić for sharing his remarkable expertise and scholarly experience with us. The respective fruitful scholarly cooperation will continue throughout 2018 and also in the future.

DPP Logo Promotion of the Festschrift in Honor of
Professor Johannes Koder

On the occasion of the 75th birthday of Professor Dr. Johannes Koder the project leaders of the Long-Term Project Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Andreas Külzer and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović (both Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research), have invited 21 renowned scholars from the academic fields of Historical Geography, Archaeology, Geography and Cartography to write contributions. The result is an edited volume (Festschrift) entitled "Space, Landscapes and Settlements in Byzantium. Studies in Historical Geography of the Eastern Mediterranean".
Histgeo Logo
The edited volume (Festschrift) has been published as volume 1 of the series "Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage". This series was founded by Mihailo Popović as project leader of DPP at the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the spring of 2016 and is edited by Andreas Külzer and Mihailo Popović in order to innovate the historical-geographical research in Byzantine Studies. The series is printed by the publishing house Akademska Knjiga in Novi Sad. Volumes 2 and 3 of the series are already in preparation. The Festschrift was solemnly presented to Professor Dr. Johannes Koder on 2 March 2018 in the Sitzungssaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. The festive programme was followed by a reception of all guests, which was generously provided by Professor Koder.
Those interested in buying copies of the Festschrift shall follow this link and send an e-mail to the aforesaid publishing house: http://akademskaknjiga.com

DPP Logo Three Sessions of DPP
at the IMC Leeds 2018

In the summer of 2018 we are very much looking forward to one of our first scholarly highlights. DPP has submitted three sessions to the organisers of the International Medieval Congress (IMC) in Leeds (2-5 July 2018).
Our sessions will take place on Tuesday, 3 July 2018, from 11.15 a.m. until 6 p.m. in the Nathan Bodington Chamber / Parkinson Building (Session Numbers 640, 740, 840).

Imperial Memory Then and Now, I: Personal Agency in Byzantine Macedonia (chair: Jonathan Shepard, Khalili Research Centre, University of Oxford)
  • Mihailo Popović, Memories are Made of This: Tracing Local Elites in Byzantine Macedonia
  • Vratislav Zervan, Border Warlords as Founders and Donators: Memory-Keeping in Monasteries and Churches of Byzantine Macedonia
  • Bernhard Koschicek, Digital Memory-Keeping of Border: Warlords in Byzantine Macedonia in the OpenAtlas Database
Histgeo Logo
Imperial Memory Then and Now, II: The Aftermath of Imperial Landscapes (chair: Simon MacLean, School of History, University of St Andrews)
  • Veronika Polloczek, Macedonian Memories: How to Expand Tabula Imperii Byzantini 11 in a Digital Age?
  • David Schmid, Emperor Theoderic?: Imperial Policy of the King of the Goths
  • Stefan Eichert, Frontier, Contact Zone, or No Man’s Land?: The Morava-Thaya Region from the Early to the High Middle Ages
  • Javier Castiñeiras López, A New Project on Galician Medieval Heritage: Planning the Paths for Cultural Outreach

Imperial Memory Then and Now, III: Empire, Geography, and Digital Humanities (chair: David Rollason, Department of History, Durham University)
  • Markus Breier, Representing Historical Landscapes: An Interactive Map-Based Solution
  • Alexander Pucher, From Past to Future: Interactive Geographic (Hi)Storytelling of Historical Landscapes
  • Alexander Watzinger, OpenAtlas: How to Grow Software for Historians
  • Mariña Bermúdez Beloso, A New Project on Galician Medieval Heritage, II: GIS as a Work Tool

Please consult the DPP homepage for further details: http://dpp.oeaw.ac.at/repository/IMC-Leeds-2018.pdf

DPP Logo An New Project on the
Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB)

A new digital project entitled "The Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB) as Contribution to the World’s Cultural Heritage" was approved by the Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank (No. 17771) at the end of the year 2017. It is a sub-projectof the Long-Term-Project Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, is headed by Mihailo Popović as Project Leader and has started on 1 March 2018 (for the duration of 24 months) at the Institute for Medieval Research (Division of Byzantine ) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

Scholarly projects at the Austrian Academy of Sciences have a long tradition of contributing significantly to the field of Cultural Heritage. Amongst them is the TIB, which is dedicated to the creation of a historical atlas of the Byzantine Empire with a special focus on the Balkan peninsula and Asia Minor. During surveys in both regions since 1966 monuments and their (then) current state were documented by means of photography (for decades through slides).

Histgeo Logo
This unique collection of Byzantine monuments (52,000 slides) is a rich cultural asset of the TIB. The aim of Dig-TIB is not to confine itself to digitisation / preservation alone, but to address three distinct case studies of the TIB [namely "Kilikien und Isaurien" (Friedrich Hild, TIB 5); "Ostthrakien (Eurōpē)" (Andreas Külzer, TIB 12); "Makedonien, nördlicher Teil" (Mihailo Popović, TIB 16)] in order to embed the respective monuments and their destinies throughout the past decades into the overall World’s Cultural Heritage.

This research project will use software tools, which have been developed by DPP since 2015, and test them in a new environment with different data sets. Thus, it will contribute to the development of the OpenAtlas database, to tools fostering the outreach to the general public as well as to studies on the World’s Cultural Heritage. It was presented to a numerous audience by Prof. Dr. Andreas Külzer and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović (both project leaders of the TIB) and by Mag. Veronika Polloczek, MA (scholarly co-worker of the new project) within the first DPP Lecture of the year 2018 on 22 March.

Leeds Concluding Conference and Edited Volume of the Project DPP

We would like to announce that the concluding conference of DPP will take place on 18-19 October 2018 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Moreover, we are working on an edited volume of our project with the title "Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research", which will unite scholarly contributions of the DPP team as well as international scholars from the fields of Medieval History, Byzantine Studies, Historical Geography, Archaeology, Geography, Cartography, Geographical Information Science (GISc) and Software Engineering. Additional information on both topics will follow in the forthcoming DPP Newsletters.

Austrian Academy of Sciences   IMAFO  University of Vienna
Institute for Medieval Research (ÖAW) and Department of Geography and Regional Research (University Vienna)
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Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. phil. Mihailo Popovic
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstraße 11-13
1020 Vienna, Austria
Telefon: +43(1)51581 - 34444
E-Mail: info.dpp(a)oeaw.ac.at