Digitising Patterns of Power Newsletter
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Coast Digitising Patterns of Power
Newsletter No.3 / September 2018

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,

The Digital Cluster-Project "Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World" is nearing its end on 31 December 2018 after four years of fruitful scholarly work and endeavour. On 18-19 October 2018 our concluding conference will take place in Vienna, on which our current Newsletter informs below.
Moreover, I as project leader of DPP would like to inform you that the end of the project DPP will not result in the end of the DPP Newsletter. It will continue to be sent to you in a new form with fresh and exciting insights and topics.

The Long-Term Project "Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB)" of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research) will succeed the DPP Newsletter and launch its successor, namely a Newsletter called the "HistGeo-Newsletter", with its first issue due in March 2019. This "HistGeo-Newsletter" will include news and reports from the fields of Mapping, Digital Mapping, Historical Atlases and of Historical Geography of the Byzantine Commonwealth. Contributors will be – apart from the TIB – especially members of the Commission for the Historical Geography and Spatial Analysis of Byzantium at the Association Internationale des Etudes Byzantines (AIEB).
If you have registered for the DPP Newsletter, you will continue to receive the new HistGeo-Newsletter in 2019. Please feel free to consult also our DPP homepage in order to subscribe or unsubscribe to the DPP Newsletter and its successor, which is in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Finally, I would like to inform you that the TIB creates, develops and upkeeps the online atlas "Maps of Power: Historical Atlas of Places, Borderzones and Migration Dynamics in Byzantium". For further information on this historical atlas please consult the following homepage and its introductory remarks: https://oeaw.academia.edu/MapsofPower

With all best wishes for a sunny and pleasant autumn,
Mihailo Popović, PI of DPP

DPP Logo DPP Concluding Conference
"Power in Landscape"

The concluding conference of the Digital Cluster Project Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World" will take place on 18-19 October 2018 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria and has the aim to present the project results to academia as well as the interested public. It is entitled "Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research". On the first day of the conference (Thursday, 18 October 2018) the keynote speaker Professor Dr. William Cartwright (RMIT University, Australia) will give a paper with the title "Theatre of the World" in the Sitzungssaal der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (1010 Vienna). After that our DPP Team will present the research accomplished on its six case studies, while our project partner, the Team Department of Geography and Regional Research (University of Vienna), will speak on the visualisation of the respective data, the related WebGIS as well as issues of GeoCommunication.

Loos Haus
On the second day of the conference (Friday, 19 October 2018) the keynote speaker Professor Dr. Joseph Patrich (University of Jerusalem, Israel) will give a paper on "The Onomasticon of Judaea/Palaestina and Arabia and Its Digital Version. Objectives and State of the Research" in the Looshaus (Michaelerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna). Following his presentation members of our DPP Team as well as invited international scholars will provide an insight in their scholarly research and digital projects. Moreover, various aspects of the Software Engineering (i.e. of OpenAtlas) conducted within DPP will be presented to the audience.
We are certain that the conference and the overall outcome of the project DPP will render interesting results and insights, not only for the researchers focusing on the aforesaid case studies, but also for all who seek new methods for investigating the past of our continent. Please consult the following homepage on our Concluding Conference and its detailed programme, which is updated regularly: https://dpp.oeaw.ac.at/conference/
Since the conference can only host a limited number of participants in the auditorium, we kindly ask you to register in advance until 15 October 2018 by writing an e-mail to:
No registration fee will be charged.

Leeds Cupcake Our Scholarly Input at the
IMC Leeds 2018

The projects "Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282-1355)" (FWF Austrian Science Fund Project P 30384-G28) , "The Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB) as Contribution to the World’s Cultural Heritage" (Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank No. 17771) and DPP presented their scholarly results at this year’s International Medieval Congress in Leeds in three sessions, which were very well attended. In session No. 640 the two scholarly co-workers of the project "Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Transition (1282-1355)", Vratislav Zervan and Bernhard Koschicek, and the PI Mihailo Popović spoke on the analysis of medieval Byzantine and Serbian charters from the viewpoint of political history, historical geography, microtoponymy, prosopography and GIS.
Alexander Watzinger in Leeds
In session No. 740 Veronika Polloczek presented her scholarly work on the archive of slides of the Long-Term Project "Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB)" at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the related online alphabetical gazetteer of the TIB, which is based on all published TIB volumes (starting with TIB 1) by extracting the indices of places and by listing the toponyms documented within the respective volumes in alphabetical order. Cf. in detail the following link: https://tib.oeaw.ac.at/index.php?seite=digtib Finally, the project DPP was represented by David Schmid and Stefan Eichert in session No. 740 and by Markus Breier, Alexander Pucher and Alexander Watzinger in session no. 840. They spoke on the newest results, most recent versions of OpenAtlas and the digital tools of DPP. Many questions were asked by the audience on various aspects of all projects involved. Of special interest were the methods how to intertwine the Humanities with tools deriving from Digital Humanities, on which the presenters gave manifold answers based on their rich expertise.

Logo Digital TIB News on the
Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini

It is a pleasure for the two project leaders of the Long-Term Project "Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB)" of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dr. Andreas Külzer and Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popović, to inform you that decisive steps have been taken in the digitalisation of specific parts of the TIB. For the time being, Mag. Veronika Polloczek, MA has started to implement a digital register of toponyms as presented in the published TIB-volumes via the project "The Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB) as Contribution to the World’s Cultural Heritage", which is funded by the Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank (Project No. 17771). The complete Dig-TIB Register of the volumes 1 to 15 is now online and can be found following this link: https://tib.oeaw.ac.at/index.php?seite=digtib
CHNT 23 Conference
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the entire list as well as the lists of specific volumes are searchable, which represents an important tool in our field. Please feel free to distribute this link among your colleagues worldwide. This is one of the crucial steps of the TIB in its endeavours in the field of Digital Humanities. Further steps are following and will follow. Of course we will keep you updated.
Moreover, Veronika Polloczek (scholarly co-worker) and Mihailo Popović (project leader) will present the first scholarly results of the project "The Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB) as Contribution to the World’s Cultural Heritage" at the Congress Visual Heritage 2018 in the City Hall of Vienna (12-15 November 2018).

Woods of Macedonia Project on the Ethnonym
of the Vlachs Finished

The scholarly project "The Ethnonym of the Vlachs in the Written Sources and the Toponymy in the Historical Region of Macedonia (11th-16th Cent.)", which was funded by the Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility (ICM) of the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) from 1 July 2016 until 30 June 2018, has been successfully finished.
It has explored manifold written sources related to the Vlachs in the historical region of Macedonia comprising mainly medieval Byzantine and Serbian charters as well as early modern Ottoman Court Registers. Hereby, special emphasis was put on four target areas, namely on the city of Skopje and its environs, on the region of Polog, on the Ohrid-Prespa region and on the valley of the river Strumica. Relevant toponyms were identified and localised based on Austro-Hungarian (on a scale of 1 : 200,000) and Yugoslav (on a scale of 1 : 100,000) maps from the 19th and 20th centuries. Journeys to the respective country of the cooperation partner were undertaken in order to bring together the project partners, to strengthen their ties and to enable a thorough discussion of the relevant medieval sources on the Vlachs for reaching a common level of interpretation.

Church in Macedonia
The project "The Ethnonym of the Vlachs in the Written Sources and the Toponymy in the Historical Region of Macedonia" has been integrated as a new case study into DPP and the acquired data has been processed with tools deriving from Digital Humanities. Jelena Nikić, BA and David Schmid, BA, both scholarly co-workers in the project, have input the source based data and the localised toponymy, which was researched both by the Macedonian and the Austrian project partners, into the DPP OpenAtlas Database. These data sets have also been extracted into a Demo-Version, which can be accessed freely online following this link:https://demo-dev.openatlas.eu/
Finally, it has to be stressed that this project has been implemented as the Case Study "The Ethnonym of the Vlachs" into the map-based online application (DPP Mapviewer, i.e. the frontend of DPP), which will be put online at the end of DPP in January 2019 and which will enable the users to query freely the data of this project.

Clocktower Manifold Scholarly Papers on
DPP, the TIB and Dig-TIB

In May, June and July 2018 manifold scholarly papers have been given on DPP (https://dpp.oeaw.ac.at/) and the TIB (https://tib.oeaw.ac.at/). Thus, both projects were presented to interested audiences, i.e. the academia and the public. Mihailo Popović spoke on the workflow of DPP and the application of digital tools based on his case study "The Historical Region of Macedonia (12th-14th Cent.) – The Transformation of a Medieval Landscape" at the international workshop "Archéologie, histoire et analyse spatiale. Dialogue interdisciplinaire sur la question des SIG archéologiques et historiques" in Lille (France) on 31 May 2018.
Then he attended the 7th International Hilandar Conference "Preserving and Accessing Medieval Slavic Manuscripts" at the Ohio State University in Columbus (Ohio, USA), where he delivered a paper on "Two Documents from the Hilandar Research Library and Their Digital Footprint" on 15 June 2018, in which he emphasised the remarkable national and international value and impact of the Hilandar Research Library for Medieval and Byzantine Studies, especially for the field of Historical Geography.

After that Mihailo Popović was invited by the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Historisches Seminar – Mittelalter-Kolloquium) to present a paper on "Das ÖAW Projekt Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): ein Brückenschlag zwischen Quellen zur historischen Geographie Europas und den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften". This presentation lead to a fruitful discussion on the Humanities and Digital Humanities in general, which is of significance for the last four months of the project DPP. The projects DPP, TIB and Dig-TIB were present via three sessions at this year’s International Medieval Congress in Leeds and attracted a remarkable number of colleagues (please cf. the report above). Finally, we would also like to draw your attention to the fact that Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Nowotny (Institut für Museale Sammlungswissenschaften, Donau-Universität Krems, Austria), who gave the second DPP Lecture on 11 June 2018, has published her new monograph entitled "Thunau am Kamp - Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese".

Austrian Academy of Sciences   IMAFO  University of Vienna
Institute for Medieval Research (ÖAW) and Department of Geography and Regional Research (University Vienna)
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Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. phil. Mihailo Popovic
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstraße 11-13
1020 Vienna, Austria
Telefon: +43(1)51581 - 3444
E-Mail: info.dpp(a)oeaw.ac.at