Team Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences
PI Mihailo Popovic
IMAFO, Byzantine Studies
Katharina Winckler
IMAFO, Early Middle Ages
Stefan Eichert
IMAFO, University of Vienna, Institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
IMAFO, Byzantine Studies
Mihailo Popovic
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. phil. (project leader of DPP); 2000: Mag. phil. with highest
distinction (University of Vienna, 2000); Dr. phil. with highest distinction (University of Vienna, 2005);
Unanimous decision to be granted a licence to teach "History of South-East Europe and Byzantine Studies"
(University of Vienna, 2011); since 12 January 2017: Chair of the "Commission for the Historical Geography and Spatial Analysis of Byzantium" at the International Association of Byzantine Studies (AIEB)
Research Interests: History and Culture of South Eastern Europe (7th-16th Centuries),
Late Byzantine History (1204-1453), Gender Studies, Historical Geography and Cartography of the Mediterranean,
Digital Humanities and Historical Geographic Information Systems (HGIS)
Contact details:
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Mihailo Popovic
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO)
Division of Byzantine Research (ABF) (see contact)
Katharina Winckler
Dr. phil. in Medieval History, is researcher at the Institute of Medieval Research/Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Her main research fields are early medieval conceptions, organisation and appropriation of space, mainly in the Alps. Other fields
of interest cover environmental and economic history.
Additionally she works on digital methods of representing historical research, drawing from her ten years work
experience and training in information technologies (mainly web programming).
see CV at the IMAFO
and Profile at Research Gate
Contact details:
Katharina Winckler
Institut for Medieval Research (IMAFO) (see contact)
Stefan Eichert
Dr. phil. in prehistory and historical archaeology, is research and teaching assistant at the University of Vienna and researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research. His main research fields are early medieval history and archaeology as well as computer applications in archaeology and digital humanities.
CV and publicationssee
Contact details:
Mag. Dr. Stefan Eichert
Institut für Mittelalterforschung (see contact)
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Dr. phil. in Byzantine Studies at the University of Vienna, is researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research, as well as at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz. His main research fields are Byzantine and Armenian history in global comparison and entanglement within the medieval world, social network analysis and complexity theory as well as social, economic, maritime and environmental history.
CV and publicationssee
Contact details:
Mag. Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO)
Division of Byzantine Research (ABF) (see contact)
Team Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna
Karel Kriz
Professor for Cartography and Geoinformation Science at the University of Vienna, Austria. Currently working at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. Lecturer for Cartography and GIS, at the University of Vienna, Editor in Chief together with W. Kainz and A. Riedl of the "Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie", Editorial Board member of the Cartographic Journal and Series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, chair of the ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography. Main areas of research lie in cartographic design, web-based cartography, GIScience and thematic aspects of mountain cartography.
CV and publications
Contact details:
Karel Kriz
University of Vienna Department of Geography and Regional Research (see contact)
Alexander Pucher
Dr. Alexander Pucher is a long-term scientist and lecturer at the University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research. His major interests lie in usability issues of cartographic projects, Web-mapping and recent developments in geographic information science, such as crowdsourcing and collaborative mapping. He is active member of various national and international cartographic organizations, among them vice-chair of the Commission on Use and User Issues of the International Cartographic Association (ICA).
CV and publicationsCV Alexander Pucher (PDF)
Publications Alexander Pucher (PDF)
Contact details:
Alexander Pucher
University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research (see contact)
Markus Breier
Mag. rer. nat in cartography and geographical information science, is project assistant and lecturer at the University of Vienna at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. His main research field is the application of geographical information systems in historical research. This includes the use of methods of spatial analyses as well as using cartography and geo communication to visualize the spatial aspects of the research results. The visualisation of historical places and spaces in interactive maps is also of special interest to his research.
CV and publicationsCV (PDF)
Contact details:
Markus Breier
University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research (see contact)
Daniel Nell
Graduate of Geography and Regional Research (Cartography and Geoinformation Sciences) at the University of Vienna. He is currently working as a project assistant at the Department of Geography and Regional Research. His main areas of expertise include issues of topographic cartography, geodata management, cartographic design and spatial analysis.
CV and publicationsCV Daniel Nell (PDF)
Contact details:
Daniel Nell
University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research (see contact)
Voluntary Junior Scientists
Bernhard Koschicek
Scholarly Co-Worker, Software Engineering, Website
Veronika Polloczek
Herzheimer Case Study
Bernhard Koschicek
BSc in Computer Sciences, BA in History, student of Computer Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and currently student of history at University of Vienna. Research interests include computer security, python, digital reservation, historical geographie, GIS, medieval and military history.
CV and publicationsCV Bernhard Koschicek (PDF)
Contact details:
Koschicek Bernhard, BSc BA
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO)
Veronika Polloczek
Mag.a in Classics, MA in Historical Research, Auxiliary Sciences and Archival Studies. Her Research Field in DPP includes the Herzheimer Family Chronicle. Research interests Medieval Sources, Middle and Neo Latin, Palaeography, Digitalization of Sources, Heraldry.
CV and publicationsComing soon...
Contact details:
Mag.a Veronika Polloczek
Technical Team
Veronika Polloczek
Mag.a in Classics, MA in Historical Research, Auxiliary Sciences and Archival Studies. Her Research Field in DPP includes the Herzheimer Family Chronicle. Research interests Medieval Sources, Middle and Neo Latin, Palaeography, Digitalization of Sources, Heraldry.
CV and publicationsComing soon...
Contact details:
Mag.a Veronika Polloczek