The repository provides material created in or related to the DPP-project. This includes papers written within the project or with a strong connection to it regarding content or methodology, visual examples of digital tools (OpenAtlas database, GIS-visualisation, network analysis etc.) and data sets (including shapefiles and other GIS-suitable format as well as geographical or quantitative data). Thereby an overview on the methodological approaches and first results of DPP are presented. Equally, DPP commits itself to the principles of open-source and open-data as established within the framework of the CLARIAH-network within the European Union.
Introduction and Database
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KML and Shapefiles
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For the data acquisition DPP uses the open-source Database System OpenAtlas (openatlas.eu). It
stores its information based on the CIDOC-CRM (www.cidoc-crm.org) and therefore is
from a conceptual point of view highly compatible and sustainable on an international level.
Regarding the technological framework the data is primarily stored in a PostgreSQL and PostGIS
database and fulfils state of the art technical standards. Whenever records can
be spatially located (E.g. the location of a physical thing or, for example, the site where an event took place) they are geo-referenced.
Next to the coordinates of locations also other geometries are stored. They can be for example polygons
that mark the area of a certain settlement or polylines that represent roads etc. They and can be accessed, displayed
or edited with every GIS-Software that supports PostGIS or other common standards like WKT or Geojson.
OpenAtlas links all the interconnections between the stored entities. For instance it is possible to map
(in a conceptual as well as geographical meaning) the places where e.g. King Arnulf of Carinthia was present
during his reign and for which reasons he was there and which role he played in the respective events.
If for example a donation of a manor located in Carinthia is carried out at the court in Regensburg/Ratisbona you
can connect the King to the place where this happened and also to the place that gets donated as well as to other involved
actors like the new owner and the witnesses, too. Next to this the sources that refer to these events are also interconnected
as well as temporal information on when the recorded events occurred. Also files (images, documents) and external
references (e.g. Wikipedia entries) can be recorded and linked.
After the project’s data acquisition is finished, the gathered information will be provided as open-data in various
formats. The primary data will be available for download and an endpoint for linked open data will be provided.
The intention is to use these data for further analyses and visualisations mainly aiming at GIS- and network analyses.
The software developed within the project will be released as open-source tools and we hope it can prove useful for others too.
The projects website will furthermore host an online application to search, query, export, browse and visualize
the data via a geographical map interface (see Geocommunication). There the data can be explored easily without
other technical tools and without downloading anything.
Any comments and suggestions on these examples of our work are highly welcome.
Date | Location | Author | Title | Page | Download |
2019 | Leipzig | Mihailo Popović | The Digital Cluster Project “Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP)”: Uniting History, Archaeology, Geography and Cartography with Tools from Digital Humanities, In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (Eds.),Power in Landscape. Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research. | IX-XXII | |
2019 | Leipzig | Mihailo Popović, Rainer Simon | Illustrating Workflows in Digital Humanities: Byzantine Macedonia in the 13th/14th Centuries and Its “Transformation” from Analogue to Digital, in: Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research. | 65-87 | |
2018 | Krems | Mihailo Popović, Vratislav Zervan | Signs and Maps of Power in Medieval Europe: A Case Study on Byzantine Macedonia (13th/14th Centuries), MEMO – Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture Online: MEMO # 2 – Digital Humanities & Materielle Kultur | Paper | |
2015 | Belgrade | Mihailo Popović | Die Topographie der mittelalterlichen Stadt Skopje zwischen Byzantinischem und Serbischem Reich (13.–14. Jh.). Initial, A Review of Medieval Studies 3 | 35-55 | Paper |
2016 | Belgrade | Mihailo Popović | The “Medieval Serbian Oecumene” – Fiction or Reality?, in: Byzantine Heritage and Serbian Art I. Process of Byzantinisation and Serbian Archaeology, ed. Vesna Bikić. | 37-43 | Paper |
2019 | Leipzig | Stefan Eichert, Jiri Macháček, Nina Brundke | Frontier – Contact Zone – No Man‘s Land. The Morava – Thaya region during the Early Middle Ages. In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (eds.), Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research | 45-64 | |
2018 | Krems | Stefan Eichert, Mihailo Popović, Bernhard Koschicek | Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP) – Fallstudien zur digitalen Aufnahme, Verwaltung, Analyse und Präsentation archäologischer und historischer Daten. MEMO – Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture Online 2 (2018): Digital Humanities & Materielle Kultur. Pdf-Format, DOI: 10.25536/2523-2932022018. | 33-57 | Paper |
2017 | Cracow | Nina Brundke, Stefan Eichert, Christina Cheung, Michael Richards | Die Arpadenzeitlichen Bestattungen des Oberleiserbergs (Niederösterreich). Erste Ergebnisse der Interdisziplinären Analyse. Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 52 | 169-207 | Paper |
2016 | Wien | Stefan Eichert, Ronny Weßling | Möglichkeiten der digitalen Dokumentation und Präsentation am Beispiel frühmittelalterlicher Buntmetallfunde aus der March-Thaya Grenzregion. Archäologie Österreichs 26/2 | 29-34 | Paper |
2018 | Berlin, Boston | Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | Central Peripheries. Empires and Elites across Byzantine and Arab Frontiers in Comparison (700–900 CE), in: Die Interaktion von Herrschern und Elitengruppen in imperialen Ordnungen des Mittelalters, ed. W. Drews | 91-113 | |
2019 | Leipzig | Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | Small Kingdoms in a Big World: Patterns of Power in Early Medieval Southern Armenia, In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (Eds.),Power in Landscape. Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research. | 107-119 | |
2019 | Mainz | Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | From one edge of the (post)Sasanian world to the other. Mobility and migration between the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Persian Gulf in the 4th to 9th centuries CE, in: Sasanian Elements in Byzantine, Caucasian and Islamic Art and Culture, ed. N. Asutay-Effenberger, F. Daim | 10-22 | |
2019 | Salzburg | Markus Breier, Adam Mertel, Karel Kriz, Alexander Pucher, | Digitising Patterns of Power – an Interactive Map-based Representation of Historical Landscapes. In: Ernst M., Hinkelmanns P., Zangerl L. M., Zeppezauer-Wachauer K. (eds.), Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Austria 2018, Salzburg, Austria, 29 November – 1 December 2018 | ||
2019 | Leipzig | Markus Breier | Representing Spatial Uncertainty of Historical Places and Space in Interactive Maps. In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (eds.), Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research | 165 – 180 | |
2019 | Leipzig | David Schmid, Markus Breier | GIS and Historical Research. In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (eds.), Power in Landscape – Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research | 205 – 214 | |
2017 | Vienna, Novi Sad | Mihailo Popović, David Schmid, Markus Breier | From the Via Egnatia to Prilep, Bitola and Ohrid: a Medieval Raod Map based on Written Sources, Archaeological Remains and GIScience. In: Andreas Külzer, Mihailo St. Popović (eds.), Space, Landscapes and Settlements in Byzantium: Studies in Historical Geography of the Eastern Mediterranean. | 289-317, 511-518 | Paper |
2019 | Leipzig | Alexander Watzinger | OpenAtlas - How to Grow Software for Historians. In: Mihailo St. Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek, and Stefan Eichert (Eds.),Power in Landscape. Geographic and Digital Approaches on Historical Research. | 193-201 | |
2018 | Karel Kriz, Alexander Pucher, Markus Breier | Digitizing Patterns of Power – Cartographic Communication for Digital Humanities. Proc. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 1, 62, (https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-proc-1-62-2018), 2018. | 1-5 | Paper | |
2018 | Vienna | Mihailo Popović, Veronika Polloczek, Bernhard Koschicek | Landkarten der Macht | 50–51 | Paper |
2018 | Cologne-Weimar-Vienna | Mihailo Popović | Jahrmärkte im europäischen Teil des Byzantinischen Reiches und deren neuzeitliches Nachleben, in: Europäische Messegeschichte 9.–19. Jahrhundert, ed. M. A. Denzel. | 43–53 | |
2017 | Vienna | Mihailo Popović | Vlachen in der historischen Landschaft Mazedonien im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, in: Walchen , Romani und Latini. Variationen einer nachrömischen Gruppenbezeichnung zwischen Britannien und dem Balkan, ed. W. Pohl, I. Hartl, W. Haubrichs (Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 21) | 183-196 | |
2017 | Paris | Mihailo Popović | Les Balkans: routes, foires et pastoralisme au XIe siècle, in: Autour du Premier humanisme byzantin & des Cinq études sur le XIe siècle, quarante ans après Paul Lemerle, ed. B. Flusin, J.-CL. Cheynet (Travaux et Mémoires 21/2) | 665–674 | |
2017 | Klagenfurt | Stefan Eichert | Der frühmittelalterliche Ostalpenraum und die mediterrane Welt. Zur Rezeption mediterraner Vorbilder für die Motivik frühmittelalterlicher Emailscheibenfibeln. In: Dörfler, I., Gleirscher, P., Ladstätter, S., Pucker, I. (Eds.), AD AMUSSIM Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Franz Glaser | 301-323 | |
2017 | Mariapfarr | Stefan Eichert | Der Lungau im Frühmittelalter aus archäologischer Sicht. In: Klammer, P., Rumschöttel, H. (Eds.), Mauterndorf | 83-92 | |
2017 | Gainesville | Stefan Eichert | Ethnic Identity, National Consciousness and Archaeology The Case Study of Carinthia/Austria. In: Natascha Mehler and Alisdair Brooks (Eds.), The Country Where My Heart Is Historical Archaeologies of Nationalism and National Identity. University Press of Florida | 95-118 | |
2017 | Nitra | Stefan Eichert | ‘Great Men’, ‘Big Men’ and ‘Chiefs’ in Carantania? On the Formation of Elites and Leadership/Rulership in the Eastern Alps During the Early Middle Ages. In: Gabor Fusek (Ed.), Archäologische Studien zum frühen Mittelalter. Monographiae. Communicationes XIX | 15-26 | |
2017 | Mária Hajnalová, Stefan Eichert, Jakub Tamaškovič, Nina Brundke, Judith Benedix | Noémi Beljak Pažinová and Dominik Repka, Hic sunt Leones? The Morava Valley Region During the Early Medieval Ages: The Bilateral Mobility Project between Slowakia and Austria. IANSA VIII | 99-104 | ||
2017 | Vienna | Adéla Balcárková, David Kalhous, Stefan Eichert | Zur Entwicklung der Grenze im mährisch-österreichischen Grenzgebiet während des 11.–12. Jahrhunderts und zur Rolle der Befestigung von Nikolsburg/Mikulov. Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich 32/2016 | 37-72 | |
2017 | Halle | Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | Complex processes of migration: the south Caucasus in the early Islamic Empire (7th–10th century AD), in: H. Mehler et al. (eds.), Migration und Integration von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter | 295-313 | Paper |
2017 | Vienna | Mihailo Popović, Veronika Polloczek | Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): Applying Digital Tools in the Analysis of Political and Social Transformations in the Historical Region of Macedonia, 12th–14th Centuries. medieval worlds: comparative & interdisciplinary studies 5 | 170-194 | Paper |
2016 | Cracow | Mihailo Popović, Stefan Eichert, Bernhard Koschicek | Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP): A Digital Approach towards Recording, Managing, Analysing and Presenting Archeological and Historical Information based on Case Studies from Eurasian Mountainous Regions, Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 51 | 257-283 | Paper |
2016 | Vienna | Mihailo Popović | Raumordnung und Stadtgestalt in den Städten auf der Balkanhalbinsel in der spätbyzantinischen Zeit, in: Städte im lateinischen Westen und im griechischen Osten zwischen Spätantike und Früher Neuzeit. Topographie – Recht – Religion, ed. Elisabeth Gruber, Mihailo Popović, Martin Scheutz, Herwig Weigl (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 66) | 79-95 | Content |
2015 | Belgrade | Mihailo Popović | Das Kloster Hilandar und seine Weidewirtschaft in der historischen Landschaft Mazedonien im 14. Jahrhundert, in: ΠΕΡΙΒΟΛΟΣ – Mélanges offerts à Mirjana Živojinović, Tome I | 215–225 | Paper |
2015 | Sofia | Mihailo Popović | Das Herrschaftsgebiet des Zaren Samuel im Mittelalter und dessen Erforschung zwischen 1890 und 1918, in: Proceedings Evropejskijat jugoiztok prez vtorata polovina na X – načaloto na XI vek. Istorija i kultura. Meždunarodna konferencija, Sofija, 6–8 oktomvri 2014 | 277–298 | Paper |
2013 | Vienna | Stefan Eichert | OpenAtlas - An Open Source Database Application for Archaeological, Historical, and Spatial Data. in: Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2013, CHNT 18 | Paper | |
2012 | Sofia | Mihailo Popović | Are the Historical Geography of the Byzantine Empire and Digital Humanities a Contradiction Per Se? Bulgaria Mediaevalis 3 | 255-269 | Paper |
Date | Author | Download |
31.03.2016 | Mihailo Popović | Sveti Kliment Sacred Space |
09.05.2016 | Johannes Preiser-Kapeller | Arab mints represented in coin hoards in Armenia from the Abbasid period 750 to 900 CE |
Date | Type | Link |
- | Webapplication | Work in progress. Source available at Digitising Patterns of Power on GitHub. |