Upcoming Events:
If you wish to see older Activities and Events please follow this link.Date | Participants | Location | Event |
15.06.2018 | Mihailo Popovć | Columbus, Ohio, USA | 7th International Hilandar Conference “Preserving and Accessing Medieval Slavic Manuscripts”:: Two Documents from the Hilandar Research Library and Their Digital Footprint |
26.06.2018 | Mihailo Popovć | Frankfurt am Main, Germnay | Historisches Seminar – Mittelalter-Kolloquium:: Das ÖAW Projekt „Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP)“: ein Brückenschlag zwischen Quellen zur historischen Geographie Europas und den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften |
03.07.2018 | Mihailo Popović | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 640: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, I: Personal Agency in Byzantine Macedonia" Paper: "Memories are Made of This: Tracing Local Elites in Byzantine Macedonia" |
03.07.2018 | Vratislav Zervan | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 640: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, I: Personal Agency in Byzantine Macedonia" Paper: "Border Warlords as Founders and Donators: Memory-Keeping in Monasteries and Churches of Byzantine Macedonia" |
03.07.2018 | Bernhard Koschicek | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 640: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, I: Personal Agency in Byzantine Macedonia" Paper: "Digital Memory-Keeping of Border: Warlords in Byzantine Macedonia in the OpenAtlas Database" |
03.07.2018 | Veronika Polloczek | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 740: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, II: The Aftermath of Imperial Landscapes" Paper: "Macedonian Memories: How to Expand Tabula Imperii Byzantini 11 in a Digital Age?" |
03.07.2018 | David Schmid | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 740: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, II: The Aftermath of Imperial Landscapes" Paper: "Emperor Theoderic?: Imperial Policy of the King of the Goths" |
03.07.2018 | Stefan Eichert | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 740: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, II: The Aftermath of Imperial Landscapes" Paper: "Frontier, Contact Zone, or No Man’s Land?: The Morava-Thaya Region from the Early to the High Middle Ages" |
03.07.2018 | Javier Castiñeiras López | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 740: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, II: The Aftermath of Imperial Landscapes" Paper: "A New Project on Galician Medieval Heritage: Planning the Paths for Cultural Outreach" |
03.07.2018 | Markus Breier | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 840: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, III: Empire, Geography, and Digital Humanities" Paper: "Representing Historical Landscapes: An Interactive Map-Based Solution" |
03.07.2018 | Alexander Pucher | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 840: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, III: Empire, Geography, and Digital Humanities" Paper: "From Past to Future: Interactive Geographic (Hi)Storytelling of Historical Landscapes" |
03.07.2018 | Alexander Watzinger | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 840: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, III: Empire, Geography, and Digital Humanities" Paper: "OpenAtlas: How to Grow Software for Historians" |
03.07.2018 | Mariña Bermúdez Beloso | University of Leeds, UK |
IMC - International Medieval Congress Session 840: "Imperial Memory Then and Now, III: Empire, Geography, and Digital Humanities" Paper: "A New Project on Galician Medieval Heritage, II: GIS as a Work Tool" |